Doctrinal Outlines WHAT IS DEATH? I. Introduction A. Public enemy No. 1! That's how death can be described. For truly it will slay us all, and at a time of its own choosing. B. But paradoxically, although we all know we will die, very few know exactly what death is. Certainly death must be the least understood although most relentless enemy! c. Yet it need not remain a mystery to those who will look into their Bibles to read --and believe --what God says. For God has not left us in ignorance about this important subject. II. The Basic Doctrine A. Since life is merely a temporary, mortal, chemical process (with man being made from the physical elements --"dust"), death is just the cessation of life. B. One who is dead has no consciousness separate from his body and feels no pain nor pleasure, but is as if asleep. c. Nonetheless, we all will live again after death, after a passage of time, when resurrected back to life again. III. The Usual Teachings of This World A. Most professing Christians believe that at death they do not really die --that is, cease to live in any form. B. They instead believe that at death only the body dies, and that the "soul" is then liberated to live on in heaven or hell (depending upon the moral merit of the former life) . c. Others believe in reincarnation, thinking that their soul, which is liberated at death, will be placed in a -84 new body to live again, with this process occurring over and over. D. scientists who believe evolution seem to recognize death for what it is (the total cessation of life), but they also err because they know nothing of the hope of the dead --life again after a resurrection. E. Even other beliefs about death exist. F. Yet, surprisingly, these concepts are not from the Bible! IV. The Bible Teaching A. Perhaps the main reason why people, religious or otherwise, do not understand death is because, first of all, they do not understand what life is. B. But the Bible makes it plain. Genesis 2:7 records, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" (Authorized Version) . 1. Notice! Man does not have a soul. He is a soul. 2. The word translated "soul" here is the Hebrew word neohesh. It means a living, breathing, physical creature. The word carries no implication of immortality. 3. In Genesis 1:24 nephesh is translated "living creature" and refers to animals. c. Further, the Scriptures say dogmatically that the soul can die and therefore cannot be immortal. See Ezekiel 18:4, 20 and Matthew 10:28. D. The Bible nowhere teaches that man has an immortal soul. In fact, the immortal soul doctrine was adopted by professing Christianity from pagan Egypt through the Greek philosophers. E. But note that man, as God stated, is composed of the physical elements of the earth and is dust. God plainly told Adam, who sinned, "For dust you are, and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19). F. But men do not want to die, so they do not want to believe God. They___do not want to believe that man's life is merely a~~D~m~existence that will run down and stop ---and di~ br '"